
Our unique tournament system is designed to bring excitement and competitive spirit to the forefront. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their skills in a dynamic one-day tournament format, ensuring a day packed with golfing excellence and spirited competition.

For those seeking greater challenge and reward, our ELITE and PREMIER tournaments extend the competition over 2 and 4 days, respectively. These extended tournaments not only promise larger prize pools but also provide an intense battle of skill, strategy, and endurance, offering a more rigorous test of golfing prowess.

A platform for everyone, regardless of their skill level.
Unity in diversity, gender barriers are non-existent.
Open invitation to golfers from all walks of life.
Efficient competition format, mostly one-day tournament format.


Upon registering for the Qualifying Tournament (QT) in the 3rd division “SELECT”, we invite you to indicate your preferred block for participation. This initial choice is pivotal, as it sets the stage for your tournament journey. Once assigned to a block, you will maintain your position within this group, advancing from the QT in Division 3 “SELECT” through to the main rounds of the Tournament in Division 2 “ELITE”.

We understand the strategic considerations in selecting a block. However, it’s important to note that once your participation journey begins, transitioning between blocks mid-tournament in Division 3 and 2 is not possible. This policy ensures fairness and consistency for all competitors.

Learn About Locations

The Tournament Is Divided Into Five Blocks That Revitalize The Local Golf Industry.


The WDC Tournament unfolds across three meticulously designed division. As participants embark on this prestigious journey, they’ll navigate through Division 3 “SELECT”, Division 2 “ELITE”, and the pinnacle of competition, Divison 1 “PREMIER”. With a tiered structure, the tournament is designed to offer escalating challenges and rewards.

Division 1 : 120 players


Reserved for the top 120 elite players, PREMIER represents the zenith of competition, where legends are born.

Division 2 : 2,380 players


A more rigorous challenge awaits 2,380 participants, filtering the best from the promising talents of SELECT.

Division 3 : 2,500 players


Open to 2,500 contenders, this stage serves as the entry point and proving ground for all aspiring champions.

Learn About Structure

To Accommodate A Larger Number Of Participants And Give Aspiring Golfers A Chance To Compete, Three Tournaments Are Offered.

Schedule & Season

The WDC Tournament is thoughtfully scheduled to accommodate the competitive spirit and availability of our diverse participants. Spanning approximately 10 months, the tournament unfolds on weekdays, carefully excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays to ensure maximum participation and engagement.

Division 3 and Division 1: The journey begins in January, setting the stage for an exhilarating season that kicks off the competitive year with a flurry of activity.

Division 2: In contrast, August marks the start for Division 2, aligning with the unique structural requirements and preparation needed for this level of play.

The deliberate differentiation in start times between Divisions 3 and 2 is strategically designed around the Qualifying Tournaments (QTs). This approach ensures that each division’s QTs are conducted with optimal organization and fairness, allowing for a seamless transition between stages of competition and providing ample preparation time for participants to gear up for their respective challenges.

Division 1 : Max. 24 games per season


Total prizes of 100 million yen x 12 matches, Total prizes of 50 million yen x 24 matches, Total prizes of 30 million yen x 24 matches.

Division 2 : Max. 200 games per season


Total prizes of 15 million yen x 36 matches, Total prizes of 4 million yen x 200 matches.

Division 3 : Max. 200 games per season


Total prizes of 4 million yen x 120 matches, Total prizes of 2 million yen x 200 matches.

Learn About Schedule

Early Bird Offer!

In celebration of the first-ever Division 3 “SELECT” Qualifying Tournament (QT), we are thrilled to extend a once-in-a-lifetime early-bird offer to those who apply by April 30, 2024. This special promotion is designed to provide an array of exclusive benefits that enhance your competitive edge and overall golfing experience.

Guaranteed Block Preference

Secure your spot in the block of your choice, ensuring that you compete in your preferred setting and schedule. This guarantee offers you the strategic advantage of familiarity and convenience, setting the stage for your best performance.

Invite For The Pre-Open Match

An invitation to you for an exclusive pre-match for WDC SELECT. This special event, set on the same prestigious golf course as the Qualifying Tournament (QT) slated for October 2024, offers a prime opportunity for early-bird registrants to gain firsthand experience and a strategic edge. By signing up early, you secure not just a spot in this anticipatory match but also the chance to acquaint yourself with the course's layout and challenges ahead of the competition.

Take Early Bird Offer!

Step Into the Spotlight with WDC GOLF

Unlock your potential and seize the opportunity to shine at the very first WDC Select Qualifying Tournament – where dreams of golfing stardom await players of every skill level. This groundbreaking event marks a fresh chapter in golf, offering a level playing field like never before. For the first time, no history favors the seasoned; no past triumphs dictate the future. This is your moment to step up to the tee as an equal among equals, where every swing, every putt, could pave your path to glory.

Why wait on the sidelines, watching others seize their moment under the sun? The chance to become a star, to etch your name in the annals of golfing history, starts here, with us. Don’t let hindsight be your only view of what could have been. Join us now, and let’s make history together at the WDC Select’s first Qualifying Tournament. It’s your time to shine, and it’s too late to regret missing out when the next stars of golf are born!


“No matter how good you get, you can always become better.”

— Tiger Woods

“No matter how good you get, you can always become better.”

— Tiger Woods